HTML PUBLIC QR Code for Youtube - QR code generator that contains a link to a video or channel on YouTube - QR Code - Info

QR code for Youtube

QR code generator with a number of additional settings specifically for creating a code that contains a link to a channel or a certain video on YouTube

Edge indentation
Code color
Pixel type
Points at the corners
Squares on the corners
Logo in the center
Insert a link to the channel or a link to the video. Example: or

The principle of operation of this generator is not much different from others, you give us a link - we give you a ready-made QR code in which the link is encoded.

But unlike our basic universal code generator, in this generator we have added a number of additional settings that will help you design a QR code for Youtube - preset color settings and YouTube icon that you can add to the center of the code.

To create a code, insert a link to your YouTube channel or a link to a video, choose a code color and background color. You can make the QR Code traditionally black and white or use the branded color of the YouTube logo. If you want to add a YouTube icon in the center of the code, choose one of the options.

To find a link to a video or channel, open it in a browser copy it from the browser address bar. Or open a video or channel in an app and click "share" then "copy link". Paste the resulting link into this generator.

You can also use forms to create a QR code for other occasions or a generic, universal oneQR code generator

Comments (6)
Thank you so much!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!
July 27, 2023 at 10:46 AM
Thank you! This is a super feature
September 27, 2023 at 17:06
Thank you. Good generator!
October 9, 2023 at 01:33
The app is super!
Is it possible to add a logo to an existing QR code? Or change it to a QR with a logo?
November 30, 2023 at 8:17 PM
You can have both. The detailed answer is here: Is it possible to add a logo on top of an existing QR code?
November 30, 2023 at 9:47 p.m.
Thank you!!!!!!
September 11, 2024 at 06:10