HTML PUBLIC QR code link to website - free code generator for website links - QR code - Info

QR code link to the site

Paste a link to your website and get a ready-made QR code

Edge indentation
Code color
Pixel type
Points at the corners
Squares on the corners
Logo in the center
Site Link:

Insert the full link starting with the https protocol:

A qr code generator that will contain a link to a website. For personal blog, company website, information resource, forum, online store.

To create the code, insert a link to the site that should open when the code is scanned. The link must be full and start with https characters.

If you wish, you can insert the logo of your site in the center of the code, load it from the memory of your device. Or, if you wish, use one of the icons offered in the designer.

Immediately after creating the code you can download it in png or jpg format and place it on the site, on an advertising banner, in a prominent place in the store, office.

When placing a link on printed products, you should keep in mind that you cannot change the link in the qr code in the future. You can only create a new code. This generator adds your link to the qr-code as you specify it, which means that the validity of the code can not be limited by us.
