HTML PUBLIC QR code generator for Odnoklassniki page - QR code - Info

QR code generator for a page in Odnoklassniki

Creating a QR code with a link to a personal profile or group in the Odnoklassniki social network

Edge indentation
Code color
Pixel type
Points at the corners
Squares on the corners
Logo in the center
Classmates page:
Insert the address. Пример:

The difference between this generator and other qr generators on the site is that here are added additional options and tips that will help you to create a QR code for your personal page or group in Odnoklassniki.

Paste a link to your profile or group in Odnoklassniki into the form, choose a background color and code color (you can leave it as default), choose an icon you want to place in the center of the qr-code or choose "no" if you don't need an icon.

To copy the link to the desired page in Classmates, open it in your browser and copy the link from the browser's address bar. It looks like this:

Learn more about how to find a link to your Odnoklassniki page here:

As the color of the QR code you can choose a color similar to the color of the OK logo, for example: #f48420. At the same time it is better to use white color as the background color in the qr code.

This kind of code scans well.

It is not recommended to use the color #f48420 and similar shades for the background of the Quar code, in this case the code may be poorly scanned by devices. However, you can experiment with colors if you want, but do not forget to check the resulting code by test scanning. If the code is not scanned, try changing the color combination: white background, orange (#f48420) code or the standard combination: white background, black code.

Once the QR code is generated, you can immediately download it to your computer or smartphone.

You can also use forms to create a QR code for other occasions or a generic, universal oneQR code generator
